Hello world!

Obsidian supports six levels of headings. You can create them by using one to six # symbols followed by a space and then the heading text.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Text Formatting

  • Bold Text: Use ** or __ to bold text. Example: **Bold** or __Bold__
  • Italic Text: Use * or _ for italics. Example: *Italic* or _Italic_
  • Strikethrough: Use ~~ to strikethrough text. Example: ~~Strikethrough~~
    • Bold and Italic: Combine both for bold and italic text. Example: **_Bold and Italic_**


You can create blockquotes by using the > symbol.

This is a blockquote.

Inline Code and Code Blocks

  • Inline code: Use backticks to create inline code. Example: `code`
  • Code block: Use triple backticks for a code block. Example:
  echo "Hello, World!"


Unordered Lists

Create unordered lists using -, +, or *.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
  • Subitem 2
    -Item 3

Ordered Lists

Create ordered lists by starting lines with numbers followed by a period.

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Subitem 1
  4. Subitem 2


You can create checklists with - [ ] for incomplete tasks and - [x] for completed tasks.

  • [ ] Task 1
  • [x] Task 2 (completed)
  • [ ] Task 3


Obsidian has special callouts to highlight important information. Here are a few examples:

This is a note callout. You can use this for general information.

This is a question callout. You can use this to ask questions

This is an info callout. It’s useful for emphasizing important information or tips.

This is a warning callout. Use it to alert users about potential issues.

This is a tip callout. Great for providing helpful advice or best practices.

This is an abstract callout. It’s useful for summarizing key points or concepts.

This is a success callout. You can use this to highlight achievements or positive outcomes.

This is a failure callout. Useful to note when something didn’t go as planned.

This is a quote callout.


Tables can be created using pipes | and dashes -:

Header 1Header 2Header 3
Row 1Data 1Data 2
Row 2Data 3Data 4
  • Link Example: Create links using [link text](URL).
  • Image Example: Embed images using ![alt text](URL).


Footnotes can be added by placing the footnote in square brackets followed by the footnote text.

Example: Here’s a sentence with a footnote.[^1] [^1]: This is the footnote.

Mathematical Expressions

Obsidian supports LaTeX for mathematical expressions.

  • Inline math: $E = mc^2$
  • Block math: $$
    \int_{a}^{b} x^2 \,dx

Embedding Notes

You can embed another note in your current note using ![[Note Name]].

Dataview Example

With the Dataview plugin, you can create dynamic views based on your notes.

table file.mtime as "Modified"
from "folder"

Backlinks allow you to reference other notes.

Example: [[Backlink to another note]]


Tags help organize your notes. You can add tags using #tag.

Example: #tag1 #tag2

Rhoncus curae vel curae odio turpis lobortis aptent luctus. Ex accumsan suscipit viverra; primis proin rutrum urna luctus. Platea primis bibendum justo eros erat rhoncus accumsan vel penatibus. Commodo tristique dui vel pellentesque quisque a felis. Commodo egestas sociosqu vehicula id lacus fusce cursus. Vitae mi fames dui ante curabitur ac sodales hendrerit. Lorem magnis ridiculus integer pretium nullam sapien pulvinar. Libero nec ullamcorper amet justo luctus mollis porta placerat. Litora venenatis faucibus arcu integer auctor nulla dolor dignissim.

Placerat eget malesuada commodo et tortor fusce morbi est. Nulla ex pellentesque dapibus odio; erat curae eros. Ad lacus rhoncus at aenean fermentum donec, nostra amet. Aeget accumsan viverra porttitor pretium magna. Commodo facilisis cras primis finibus sollicitudin nisl scelerisque odio. Fermentum sed dapibus massa laoreet ultricies morbi. Vitae porttitor feugiat sed nostra vivamus phasellus sem et lacinia. Primis quis ex aliquam massa potenti phasellus? Amet at ac praesent viverra mattis finibus justo. Magna senectus magna, lobortis potenti class orci.

Montes fames hendrerit potenti ut phasellus risus. Suscipit a risus parturient porta luctus. Sociosqu viverra ad primis imperdiet nulla felis. Facilisi parturient efficitur natoque elementum posuere taciti taciti a condimentum. Magnis euismod pellentesque porttitor penatibus euismod cubilia dui torquent elit. Urna faucibus ac suspendisse, bibendum sodales aptent. Aptent accumsan praesent torquent tempor vel montes nunc erat eget. Hac arcu habitasse augue habitant fringilla. Ante orci pretium vitae in eleifend netus! Ad hendrerit aliquet aptent parturient pulvinar, pharetra eu.

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